Free test: Find out for yourself, in less than 10 minutes, what is the status of the market data management in your entity.

Case study

Our main projects carried out for different clients

Profiling business case

World's top 10 commercial bank


Offer real time or deferred time depending on the type of customer.


Significantly reduced costs of exchange fees and rewarded good customers with real time.


  • “Coffee for all”, i.e., all customers when they accessed the online broker had
    • the same markets: there were customers with data they did not need and the entity paid for unused data
    • The same functionalities regardless of whether the client was active or passive, basic or sophisticated
  • Lack of knowledge about users
    • Types of users the entity has
    • User activity: active, passive
    • Users’ interests: interest in investing in shares, funds, derivatives, deposits?


  • Identified users who use data but do not operate
  • Promoted VIP or Private Banking users
  • Created product packages tailored to profiles
  • Cut stock echange fees
  • Paid stock exchanges for what is actually used, therefore achieving compliance
  • Offered functionalities according to profile, for example
    • Basic alerts for most users
    • Advanced alerts for more sophisticated users
  • Propose model portfolios based on customer profile
  • Investment proposals according to the client’s interests
  • The entity can offer promotions based on customer profiles in order to boost customer activity.


By using Siffeed Profiling module the entity was able to

  • Classify customers and assign them rights via the web interface that allows you to create profiles and offer them content and functionalities based on the customer’s profile.
  • Identify how customers were using the information, thanks to Siffeed Usage Control module

Profiling business case

On-line banking referenced in the Iberian market


Promote clients' investments, so that when the client enters the online brokerage, they feel that the most important thing for the bank is for the client to have updated data on the status of their investment.

Another option is for the client to feel that the bank is as concerned as they are about the status of their investments.


Showing the global profitability of the client's portfolio in real time, including all the products and from the moment of the first investments.


  • The entity could not offer their clients global information of their portfolio.
  • The information for each financial assets was on a different part of the website
  • The client did not have information about their overall position
  • The client had no information on the profitability of their portfolio.


  • Offered clients a global vision of their portfolio including all financial assets
    • Stocks
    • Derivatives
    • Funds
    • Deposits
    • Etc.
  • Offered the profitability of the clients’ portfolios in real time (latent profitability, real profitability and historical profitability).
  • Multi-currency profitability.
    • Portfolio Currency Performance
    • Profitability with the instrument’s currency

Allowing to offer insight into profitability with the effect of currency exchange.

  • Offered profitability both on a portfolio level and on a overall level by unifying the assets in a portfolio.
  • Offered profitability grouped by types of instruments (Stock, ETF, Warrants, Plans, Funds)
  • No inconsistencies between the different applications of the bank (online banking, mobile banking, host …)
  • Offered clients model portfolios according to their interests
  • To be able to offer clients model portfolios according to their risk management
  • The entity offers activity indicators of other clients with the same profile
    • Buy-sell trend
    • Most traded instruments with percentage of buy and sell orders

This allows to motivate user activity:

  • The client increases their operates
  • The client, from a single site can manage all the portfolios for which they are authorized (their own, their partner’s, their parents’, etc.).
  • The entity can offer the possibility of working with virtual portfolios which allow the user to operate in a fictitious way to see the result.
  • Offered the grouping of portfolios, allowing the unique vision of a set of portfolios, customized by the client
  • Complied with MiFID II guidelines (alerts on leveraged products, annual reports of real profitability)


All real and virtual portfolio functionalities are covered by Siffeed Portfolio solution.

Market Data for internal applications

International financial entity, top 10 worldwide


  • The entity dedicates many resources to market data integration and to the maintenance of these connections
  • There data inconsistencies it comes in different ways
  • When there is an incident in the Online Broker, there are many interlocutors to contact in order to find the cause of the incident
  • Any change in the presentation implies technical intervention


  • The Siffeed platform centralizes all the necessary content for the Online Broker: quotes, news, graphics, etc.
  • The maintenance of the integrations of the different feeds and contents is done in Siffeed so the changes are transparent to the entity.
  • Data consistency is achieved by providing a single point for data feeding.
  • Incidents are reduced and their resolution expedited thanks to a single interlocutor who centralizes and resolves them.
  • Data configuration changes are made through a web interface, with no technical intervention required.


One of the leading vendors of international financial data


  • Our client needs a system that allows them to control to whom they distribute the information.
  • This system must be web browser so that it allows to:
    • Quick display for their users located worldwide.
    • Access for end customers that allows them to directly configure their access in a very simple and intuitive way.


  • MDR automates all processes: customer requests, confirmation of agreements, authorizations, etc.
  • Our client cangive access to the tool to its client entitiesso that the management for them is also much simpler and more agile.
  • The tool sends alerts to system users with information on pending tasks: order confirmation, contract validation, etc.
  • MDR becomes the entitlement tool as well as the centralized repository for contracts with stock exchanges.

Transparency in the use of Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg terminals

International financial entity, among the 20 most solvent ones worldwide


  • The entity wants to have information about the real use that their internal users (traders, commercials, etc.) make of their terminals.
  • With this information we intend to analyze if there is room for cost reduction, either at the level of markets or unused terminals or because such terminal, due to the type of use, could be replaced by a more economical one


  • We installed DART that allows the entity to have exhaustive information of the type of use made by each of the users of their terminals and markets contracted.
  • The entity obtains informationnot only about the information they consume but also whether the users are optimal candidates for these types of terminals or could obtain the information through other means.


One of the main Spanish financial entities


  • Being able to manage and control contracts, services, terminals, applications, information feeds... and who has assigned those information source costs.
  • Automate their processes in the area of market data management:contracts, invoicing, payments, assignments, etc.
  • Unify and centralize information so that all members of the department have access to the same information.


INFOmatch set-up, a specific program for cost inventory, which allows:

  • Registering vendor contracts
  • Assigning costs automatically (by person, department, etc.)
  • Automatically reconciling received invoices to verify the contracted cost with the invoiced amount.
  • Studying and developing internal processes to optimise the management and maintenance of this information
  • Creating a centralised repository for contracts, allocations, invoices, quotations, etc. where members of the department can instantly access historical information without a file limit.


World's top 10 financial entities


  • The entity needs to report their end clients’ data usage to the stock markets.
  • Likewise, they would like to optimize their data management and so reduce the cost of their stock market fees.


  • Siffeed Usage Control checks who uses the information the institution distributes.
  • It calculates the best way for reporting to the stock markets. In this way, and depending on the clients’ usage, the institution can decide whether a payment per request or a flat payment per user is more appropriate.
  • Setting up this module allows the entity to cut several hundred thousands euros in costs.